Is travel to the past or the future possible? Neil DeGrasse Tyson explains.
Time travel is a widely recognized concept in philosophy and science fiction, but is it possible in real life? What does physics tell us about time travel? Is it possible to travel to the past or the future? Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the nature of time and the conundrums of time travel.
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In some ways, we’re traveling in time now. We just happened to be prisoners of the present in the eternal transition from the past to the future. If you travel fast enough, you can actually leap forward in time. Relativity specifies that you travel a good fraction of the speed of light. Time will tick more slowly for you and all your loved ones back on Earth. If your journey is too long, you might be gone for 10 years and everyone else on Earth, ages 100, you’ve effectively gone into the future and then everyone you knew when you left Earth is now dead. If you want to go into the past, that’s a little more problematical.
There are people who have recognized what severely distorted space does.
The fact that severely distorted fabric of space and time is study what effect it has on the passage of time.
And it turns out there is a path you can take around to moving black holes that haven’t quite collided yet, where you can end up in the past of when you started that journey. It’s backwards. Time travel, according to calculations from Einstein’s general relativity, is enabled by the severely distorted fabric of space and time, such as what you would get with black holes that came in their own proximity.
There are some physical theories that can help us learn what time travel is and how it works.
In 1995, Albert Einstein published the first part of his relativity theory known as Special Relativity The Theory of Special Relativity. Particles of light photons travel through a vacuum at a constant pace of approximately 300000 kilometers per second, a speed that’s immensely difficult to achieve and impossible to surpass in that environment.
Yet all across space, from black holes to our near earth environment, particles are in fact being accelerated to incredible speeds, some even reaching ninety nine point nine percent. The speed of light. You then published in the paper in 1915, known as General Relativity, these theories are among the most important theories in all of physics and Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity curves, space and time, causing the passage of time to slow down. In Einstein’s theory of special relativity, time slows down or speeds up depending on how fast you move relative to something else. So for an observer in an inertial frame of reference, a clock that is moving relative to them will be measured to tick slower than a clock that is at rest in their frame of reference. This case is sometimes called special relativistic time dilation. Time dilation may also be regarded in limited sense as time travel into the future. The faster the relative velocity, the greater the time dilation between one another, with the rate of time reaching zero as one approaches the speed of light. Scientists have done some experiments to show that this is true. For example, there was an experiment that used to clocks set at the exact same time. One clock stayed on Earth while another flew in an aeroplane going in the same direction. Earth rotates. After the airplane flew around the world, scientists compared the two clocks. The clock on the fast moving airplane was slightly behind the clock on the ground, so the clock on the airplane was travelling slightly slower in time. Another famous experiment is the twin paradox, which is, according to Neil deGrasse Tyson, not a paradox at all. He describes the experiment as a hypothetical scenario which uses identical twins to illustrate Einstein’s theory of relativity.
A SOURCE: TheWizard.Site
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